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Lizzie Black Plume


To honour her fathers hard work and dedication to the small business he started, Lizzie Black Plume has a goal to earn a Bachelor of General Management with a minor in Small and Family Business from the University of Lethbridge. Lizzie describes her late father as an entrepreneur at heart with a mind full of ideas, and she wants to work as a small business consultant for people in her community who have dreams like her father. Lizzie is a proud member of the Blood Tribe and believes in the passion and skillset of her people and she wants to help her community members make their dreams a reality. Lizzie’s goal is to return to her community and says, “I know with the help of my consultation services I can help small businesses flourish and grow by utilizing my educational knowledge and past experience”.


Lizzie has had continued support from the FG Foundation since 2017. This scholarship has allowed Lizzie to focus her time and energy mainly on her studies and her family. Lizzie says, “Being a FG Foundation recipient is a blessing and I am grateful for the opportunities that have come along my way”. 

FG Foundation Communications

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